Jack-O-Lanterns Nursery Rhymes

Halloween Songs Lyrics
Jack-O-Lanterns Nursery Rhymes

We bought a fat orange pumpkin
The plumpest sort they sell.
We neatly scooped the inside out
And only left the shell.
We carved a funny funny-face
Of silly shape and size,
A pointy nose, a jagged mouth
And two enormous eyes.
We set it in a window
And we put a candle in,
Then lit it up for all to see
Our jack-o’lantern grin.


Out in the fields where the cornstalks lie,
Some pumpkins are sleeping, but by and by
We’ll pick them and bring them one by one
Into the house for Halloween fun.

We’ll scoop out the middle and cut a hat,
Make 2 eyes and a nose,
What do you think of that?
Put in a candle to shine right through,
Now they’re Jack-o-lanterns, BOO!


Smiling bright
Wishing you
A haunting night!


Pumpkin pumpkin round and fat.
Turn into a jack-o’Lantern
Just like that!”

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